A New Hampshire resident who claims to have a $ 559 and $ 7 million Powerball card is suing for anonymity, saying he made a “terrible mistake” signing his card without consulting his lawyer. A woman named Jane Doe filed a lawsuit last week in Hillsborough Supreme Court in Nashua, claiming that you pulled out pengeluaran hk the back of the card after winning the 4th lottery jackpot on January 6th. You’re excited to do this, as confirmed on the National Lottery Commission website.
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Under New Hampshire law, the name of the lottery won, the city and the amount of the prize are public information. After talking to her lawyer, however, the woman learned that you could hide her identity by writing the name of the institution. The woman did not return the card but showed a photocopy to the front lottery. You tell lottery employees pengeluaran hk to reveal their identities when someone makes an access request. According to lawyers, the public’s focus on privacy goes beyond the lack of attention to his name.
“While we appreciate the player’s willingness to remain anonymous, state law and lottery rules clearly govern the process,” Charlie McIntyre, New Hampshire’s regular lottery manager, said in a statement. I speak. Lottery officials consulted state headquarters and said winning tickets pengeluaran hk should be treated “like everyone else.” The woman saw herself as a resident of New Hampshire and an “active member of the church.”
“Owner of $ 1/2 billion, you want to continue with that obligation and be free to go to the bakery or to social events without being recognized or harassed,” the lawsuit said. “You want to live in Hampshire and return to the state and community that have given so much.” The document says that you have created a trust and intend to donate some of their profits to charity.
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The women’s law firm, William Shaheen, wrote a message on the site shortly after the draw, inviting the winners to sign live tickets for privacy reasons. New Hampshire is one of the few states pengeluaran hk where trusts can accept anonymous lottery prizes. The New Hampshire family, which won the $ 487 million Powerball jackpot in 2016, remains anonymous, according to beliefs. The New Yorker, who won a $ 3 million discount three weeks ago, died unexpectedly on Friday from stage four cancer.
Donald Savastano, 51, has died of unspecified cancer, according to the WICZ. He was recently diagnosed. According to the WBNG, Savastano was a self-employed carpenter who, on his own initiative, spent $ 10 on a Merry-Millionaire lottery. A local Queens told pengeluaran hk the WBNG that he then planned to spend $ 661,800 on “buying a new truck, settling some debts and investing in the future”. Lester R. Grammons of the Oneont Funeral Home said Sunday that Savastano was left behind by his mother, two sisters and four siblings. You died at home with his family.